

Want to know what your

fellow members are saying?

You can find the top

recommendations from some of

our recent surveys right here!

COVID-19 Resources 

We asked you, “what is ONE topic or challenge that you wish you could talk about with others or ask for advice right now?” on the key topics of Mental Health, Kids, and Finances. We compiled your answers and recommendations below so you can use them as a resource for the rest of the pandemic.

Keeping Kids Calm During COVID

Our first article focuses solely on the top insights, words of wisdom, and must-have products & services for nurturing kids through – and beyond – COVID. So, if kid & family focused tips from other VP members sounds interesting, read on!

Keeping ‘COVID Calm’: Maintaining Good Mental Health During a Pandemic

Many VP members said they are dealing with issues around maintaining good mental health during COVID and looking for suggestions. So, if you or a loved one are looking for ways to keep your mental well-being in check, these VP Member tips, products and services will be a helpful read!

Tackling Finances in a COVID World

This 3rd and final article focuses on the ups and downs, challenges and triumphs of managing the financial impact COVID has had on your household budget. Whether you have previously budgeted like a pauper or a pop-star, it’s safe to say that most of us have had to take a long, hard look at our financial outlook over the last 12 months.